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The 1965 Beanfield Entities: A Case for Parallel Universes?

Sketch based on witness descriptions Magical creatures such as gnomes, fairies, and elves have fascinated people for centuries and stories of them still enchant us. Here is a curious entity case that seems to involve aspects of Ufology, folklore and the paranormal. This happened on August 13, 1965 in Kent, Washington.  Three girls between the ages of 13 and 16 were dropped off at a bean field to help harvest the crop by the father of two of the girls.   As the man drove away he noticed two unusual “individuals” walking along the side road of the bean field. As the girls walked along this same road after being dropped off, they also saw these unusual “people.” The first entity was elf or gnome-like in appearance, small, grey and was wearing a gray shirt and pants and a strange little hat. He was dancing and jumping around in front of the other entity as they got closer and closer to the girls. The entity was making a cackling noise that the girls thought sounded like laughter. ...

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