Do wifi signals interfere with the Earth's natural energy fields?

Wifi uses radio waves to carry text messages, enable GPS, broadcast stations and many other types of information using electromagnetic radiation. Simply put, there are lots of energy waves, include gamma rays light rays, x-rays, and ultraviolet light, etc. As radio waves travel through along, their signals go past each other without incident like automobiles going past each other, which don’t usually pose a problem, because each radio frequency has its own wavelength, known as megahertz. Every device; from cellphones to tablets, or computers, has an individual, unique frequency. But like a car that strays into another lane; radio signals can also veer where they are not supposed to. This can often lead to the signals being crossed; well-known as interference. It is well known to cause problems for telephone companies as well as the military. For this reason, many researchers and scientists have been trying to develop better ways to lessen these problems. One way is by using protected radio frequencies, another is by putting their laboratories inside safe zones.
So if it is a given that wifi signals can interfere with each other, it is possible that they also interfere with the natural energies too. There is data pointing to there being health issues related to cellphone use by children over a prolonged period of time; ten years. While some people believe that having wifi in your home is the same as having your microwave door open all of the time, some researchers counter that assertion by pointing out that wifi signals are much less intense than a microwave and is similar to background cosmic radiation which is around us all of the time and are not harmful. But it is a fact that our bodies use electricity in its daily functions and for its cells to communicate with one another. Is it really such a stretch the errant radio signals could interfere with that communication? While is isn’t known whether or not that wifi signals are responsible for the incidents of bizarre bird falls; where hundreds or thousands of birds inexplicably fall from the sky, they are suspect. As for health hazards, there is abundant evidence to suggest this, with the increase in cancers, or other health issues being attributed to the effect of EMF or wifi signals. France, Germany, and England were so concerned about the increased rates of cancer and illnesses that scientists had concluded were caused by EMF signals, that they dismantled networks housed in schools and libraries. With researchers who state there is ample evidence of this harm going up against telecommunications companies who side with researchers who state otherwise (87% of the research stating that EMF signals are not harmful are funded by them), the controversy will continue. 


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